For lasting peace in the region, Turkey needs to change this aggressive policy towards Armenia – PM
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For lasting peace in the region, Turkey needs to change this aggressive policy towards Armenia – PM

For lasting peace in the region, Turkey needs to change this aggressive policy towards Armenia – PM

The nature of Armenian-Russian relations does not depend on the outcome of future early elections, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said in an interview with Interfax ahead of his visit to Moscow.

“The Armenian-Russian strategic allied relations are quite rich and extensive. They are based on the historical proximity of our friendly peoples. The nature of these relations does not depend on the outcome of future early elections,” PM Pashinyan said.

To what extent does the process of establishing economic ties in the region now depend on the political factor, in particular, on the normalization of relations with Turkey?

Commenting on the establishment of economic ties and normalization of relations with Turkey, the Prime Minister reminded that the Armenian-Turkish border was unilaterally closed by Turkey back in 1993.

“Armenia has always advocated the normalization of relations with Turkey without preconditions, but this was rejected by Turkey itself. Such a hostile policy of Ankara gained new scope during the 44-day aggression of Azerbaijan against Artsakh. In particular, Turkey provided Azerbaijan with direct military-political and military-technical support, having also transferred foreign armed terrorist fighters to the zone of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,” Pashinyan said.

He stressed that to establish a lasting peace and restore the economic image in the region, Turkey needs to change this aggressive policy towards Armenia.

Does Armenia plan to continue purchasing Russian weapons, in particular, Su-30SM fighters and weapons for these aircraft?

Asked whether Armenia plans to continue purchasing Russian weapons, he said: “Armenia is focused on broad and long-term military-technical cooperation with the Russian Federation, which follows from the long-term strategic interests of the two states.”

“Taking into account that, in accordance with interstate bilateral agreements, two Armenian-Russian groupings have been created on the territory of the Republic of Armenia – the United Group of Forces and the United Regional Air Defense System in the Caucasian region of collective security, and, in addition, both countries are members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, it is clear that Armenia is extremely interested in supplies from Russia in order to have a modern and compatible weapons and ammunition,” the Prime Minister noted.

“For the same reasons, we are also interested in the delivery of weapons and ammunition to Armenia in the same configuration as for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, “he added.

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