Incident on Armenian-Azerbaijani border: serviceman of Armenia’s Armed Forces received a fatal gunshot wound as a result of a shooting
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Incident on Armenian-Azerbaijani border: serviceman of Armenia’s Armed Forces received a fatal gunshot wound as a result of a shooting

Incident on Armenian-Azerbaijani border: serviceman of Armenia’s Armed Forces received a fatal gunshot wound as a result of a shooting

An incident occurred in the Yeraskh section of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border at around 10:30, July 14.

The Azerbaijani armed forces attempted to carry out fortification works with the use of engineering equipment aimed at advancing their military positions.

After the counter-actions of the Armenian side to stop these works, the Azerbaijani servicemen opened fire towards the Armenian positions. Serviceman of the Armenian armed forces received a fatal gunshot wound as a result of the shootout. The Azerbaijani side has also suffered losses.

“The Defense Ministry of Armenia strongly condemns this provocation of the Azerbaijani side and warns that it will receive a tough response. The military-political leadership of Azerbaijan bears the full responsibility for the further escalation of the situation,” the statement reads.

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