Statement of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Artsakh
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Statement of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Artsakh

Statement of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Artsakh

28 years ago, on July 23, 1993, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic (Republic of Artsakh) was established. The formation of the Foreign Ministry fell on a difficult period, when the people of Artsakh were forced to repulse the armed aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan with the aim of destroying the young state of Artsakh. In the existing situation, it was necessary to institutionalize the negotiation efforts for the cessation of hostilities and the settlement of the Azerbaijan-Karabagh conflict, as well as, in general, the foreign policy activities on defending the national interests. The Foreign Ministry of Artsakh made its significant contribution to the conclusion of the trilateral ceasefire agreement of May 12, 1994, which put an end to the hostilities and created conditions for the peaceful development of the country.

The establishment of the Foreign Ministry was also of key importance in terms of state building in Artsakh, since the ability to conduct an independent foreign policy is one of the signs of an established state. Since its establishment, the Artsakh Republic Foreign Ministry has been pursuing a consistent foreign policy aimed at protecting and promoting the strategic interests of Artsakh and, in particular, the international recognition of its independence, expanding and deepening its international relations, cementing the Armenia-Artsakh-Diaspora trinity, clarifying the position of the Republic's authorities on the Azerbaijan-Karabagh conflict and ways of its settlement, raising awareness about Artsakh and strengthening its positive image abroad, countering disinformation and manipulations by Azerbaijan.

The armed aggression against the Republic of Artsakh, unleashed by Azerbaijan on September 27, 2020 with the direct participation of Turkey and international terrorists, has led to the aggravation of old and the emergence of new security threats. In the face of these challenges, proactive diplomacy is of particular importance. An initiative, pragmatic and balanced foreign policy is the key to successfully ensuring the national security of the Republic of Artsakh, preserving and strengthening its state sovereignty, restoring territorial integrity, increasing the status of the republic as a geopolitical actor, and a comprehensive settlement of the Azerbaijan-Karabagh conflict that would fully meet the interests of the people of Artsakh.

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