Armenia’s Representative before ECHR says work of CoE Committee of Ministers over captives was not satisfactory
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Armenia’s Representative before ECHR says work of CoE Committee of Ministers over captives was not satisfactory

Armenia’s Representative before ECHR says work of CoE Committee of Ministers over captives was not satisfactory

t the initial period the authorities of Azerbaijan were not cooperating with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) at all over the issue of Armenian captives, or were ignoring that issue and were constantly violating the deadlines of the interim measure as applied by the Court, Representative of Armenia before the ECHR Yeghishe Kirakosyan said during an online press conference.

He stated that the Court has approved most of Armenia’s appeals requesting to apply interim measures against Azerbaijan.

“With such means, of course, an attempt was made to get legal obliging information from Azerbaijan, obliging them to ensure proper attitude towards the captured persons in accordance with the requirements of the Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, so that at least two key articles – the second and the third articles (right to life and prohibition of torture) were not violated”, he said.

Yeghishe Kirakosyan says Azerbaijan has always violated the deadlines set by the Court.

“Azerbaijan’s such behavior led to the point that we requested the Court to notify the CoE Committee of Ministers in accordance with its rules of procedure, which being the main political body in the Council of Europe, also has a certain power to control the implementation of the decisions of the European Court. The notification took place, but what happened then in the Committee of Ministers, mildly speaking, was not satisfactory, because, unfortunately, we didn’t see any discussion or result about the issue because of some reasons, maybe for political reasons”, he said.

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