The government stands by Syunik in all aspects and in solving all problems. Avinyan
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The government stands by Syunik in all aspects and in solving all problems. Avinyan

The government stands by Syunik in all aspects and in solving all problems. Avinyan

On January 29, RA Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Avinyan visited Syunik region, where the consultation of the interdepartmental working group set up to coordinate the work carried out to identify possible problems (as a result of the implementation of the provisions of the November 9, 2020 trilateral declaration) in the RA Syunik region and to operatively address them .
This was reported by Tigran Avinyan's office. In his speech, the Deputy Prime Minister noted.
"Dear colleagues, today we are facing a difficult situation, when the existing problems are not only of socio-economic, but first of all of security significance. Their solution requires urgency as well as maximum accuracy. The meetings and observations we had during the day gave a more complete picture of what issues are on the agenda, the details of which we now have to discuss comprehensively.
However, I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm that the central government stands by Syunik in all respects and in resolving all issues. Moreover, the government has already started developing and implementing concrete economic measures, which will positively change the situation, at the same time providing solutions for the most urgent problems”. 

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